Questions about planning your wedding The questionnaire should also help you to think about certain points that you may not have planned yet. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this story of *date of your marriage *Approximate number of guests *How are you getting married? *Civil marriageChurch weddingFree weddingstyle of your wedding *Bohemian / boho chicVintageRusticClassic / ElegantTraditionalprom weddingDress code *(We recommend "pastel colors" so that the pictures look more harmonious)contact detailsMain Maid of Honor (name & mobile number) *Main groomsman (name & mobile number) *Your Skype account *so that we can discuss everything else with you personally.Do you have a wedding planner? *YesNoWedding planner* (name & cell phone number) **if availableAbout youHow long have you been together ? *How did you meet? *How would you describe yourselves as a couple in a few words? *Getting Ready GroomWhere is the groom getting ready? (Address) *Who is present at the groom's getting ready? *Getting Ready BrideWhere is the bride getting ready? ( Address) *When does the hairstylist / make-up artist arrive? *It's best to ask the hairstylist how long she needs and add about 1 hour for getting dressed, taking a few photos and toasting with the girls. We recommend at least 3-4 hours before the first look or departure to the wedding location, so that getting ready is relaxed.Who is at the Bride's Getting Ready? *If there are several girls, we recommend that the girls do their hair and make-up in their room and then come over to avoid chaos. After all, each of them needs an outlet and a mirror.Do you give each other presents at Getting Ready? *YesNoWould you like to give a love letter to the gift? *YesNoLove letters when getting ready give the moment before the wedding a very special & emotional touch. It is particularly recommended for a church wedding, as the vows leave little room for personal words.Seeing you for the first time...At the altarWe do a first look before the wedding at a different locationweddingPlace of marriage (address) *What time does your wedding take place? *Can we make video recordings during the wedding ceremony?**only applies to you if you have booked us with a wedding video. Here you should talk to the registrar or the pastor about it beforehand! In any case, we are particularly reserved and considerate during the wedding ceremony so as not to disturb the wedding ceremony.What "special effects" do you have planned when moving out after the wedding? *Fresh PetalsDried flower petalsolive leavesriceconfetti cannonsstreamerssoap bubblesweddingwandsGiant sparklers (not normal ones as they burn way too short)Miscellaneous**Other special effectsThis is the moment that should be celebrated in a special way and where unique photos are taken. The "special effects" make every photo even more beautiful! Enjoy the moment to the fullest with all your loved ones around you!Where will your champagne reception / aperitif take place? *How would you like to handle the group photos?* *BRIDAL COUPLE + BOTH FAMILIESBRIDAL COUPLE + BRIDE PARENTSBRIDAL COUPLE + BRIDE PARENTS + BRIDE SIBLINGSBRIDAL COUPLE + GROOM PARENTSBRIDAL COUPLE + BRIDE PARENTS + BRIDE SIBLINGSBRIDAL COUPLE + GROOM PARENTS + GROOM SIBLINGSBRIDAL COUPLE + BRIDE GRANDPARENTSBRIDAL COUPLE + GROOM GRANDPARENTSBRIDAL COUPLE + GROOMSMENBRIDE + BRIDESMAIDSGROOM + GROOMSMENBRIDAL COUPLE + OTHER SELECTED GUESTSLARGE GROUP PHOTO WITH ALL GUESTSNO GROUP PHOTOS*Multiple selection possible. Please note that it can sometimes take a lot of time to take photos with everyone.CelebrationPlace of the subsequent celebration (address) *How do you enter the room of celebration?We receive the guestsWe solemnly go into the room alone and are solemnly received by the guestsWe ceremonially walk in with our best man/bridesmaid/groomsmenOf course it would be possible to just receive the guests in the room. But how about going in ceremoniously and being welcomed by the guests? The right party song makes everyone's mood even better! If you have several groomsmen/bridesmaids/groomsmen, they could also dance in beforehand one at a time. Not only does it look good, it lifts everyone's spirits tremendously! In some of our videos (e.g. by Olivia & Tobias) you can see such a reception.When did you plan the meal?How did you plan the meal? is there.. *Course menubuffetfood trucksDo you guys have a wedding cake for the day? *YesNoIf so, what time should the cake be served? *Will there be a wedding dance? *YesNoWhich song did you choose? (if you have one) *What "special effects" will you have at your wedding dance?Giant sparklers (not normal ones as they burn way too short)Tea lights in tea light glassesIce cream/cake fountainscone of fireFog / ground fog machineglow sticksMiscellaneous**Other special effects (wedding dance)Have you already thought of a rough schedule and what does it look like?* **if you don't have a schedule yet, we can create one together.file upload Click or drag a file to this area to upload. If you already have schedules or similar, you are welcome to send them to us here. PDF, Word or JPG would be idealsend now!